Sometimes, an old home can be intimidating.
Our scary basement is no exception. We knew this going into the purchase, but the work really needed to get going, as we might have guests in the next 1-3 months over the holidays, and sleeping on the couch is not really an option for some.
This particular basement is "special", in legal terms, it's really a "cellar", as it's only 6 foot and 1/2 inch tall down there. We survive in it, because we are hobbits. This led us to installing recessed lighting, as there was nothing else that could go down there. Previous to the light installation, it was the sort of place where the "gimp" might sneak up on you, leather clad, with a zipper covering thier mouth. No gimp anymore, as the rooms are now brightly lit.
The other problem is flooring, which as we know, can get very expensive. Since it's an "Alice in wonderland rabbit hole basement", we can't use anything "hard", that won't comply to the shapes of the floor. We thought about Vinyl planks, cheap carpet, etc, but in the end we decided on commercial carpet squares (3x3). Used, inexpensive, but decent looking, and above all else "rugged". This part of the installation has not happened yet, as we decided to wait until after the paint goes in.
I'm not going to included an after picture, as it's not ready yet, but here's a before:
Okay, this is not a photo of our basement, nor any evil spirits that we are holding, but you get the dark gist...
Most of what is left now is finishing, cleanup, and venting heat in those rooms. I have to call daddy for this, and listen to him complain out "Hussein Obama" and how his guns were taken away. That in itself is an entertaining event, along with the construction!
My plan, have a functioning basement in 2 weeks.... we shall see!
Monday, November 07, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
It's that time of year again, and we already had our first snow. Which incidentally caused some catastrophic tree problems with our neighborhood.
This was just a sample, in what turned out to be an "all day" cleanup to the carnage. The trees hung on to thier leaves, and the snow did the rest. The landscape of our backyard jungle will change a bit next spring, but honestly, it was a bit dank, so the added sunshine will be welcome. It's like a natural "trimming".
On the other side of things, I am foolishly going to try and compete/qualify for the "Leadville 100" race in 2012. It's a 100 mile mountain bike race. The killer is, i built a new bike (yet to be ridden), and she's a single speed! So i will be attempting a 100 mile race for the first time with 1 gear. I like to punish myself. Added to this is my recent lack of excersise, and my certain fat gain.
I have always said that i'm the short, fat version of Lance Armstrong. Maybe i will walk on my lunch break?
We also moved the kiln, and she's waiting to be used. I have 1 (yes o-n-e) pot that i have thrown in the last six months, so i need to make them start to multiply, like "pigeons"
I have always said that i'm the short, fat version of Lance Armstrong. Maybe i will walk on my lunch break?
We also moved the kiln, and she's waiting to be used. I have 1 (yes o-n-e) pot that i have thrown in the last six months, so i need to make them start to multiply, like "pigeons"
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, October 03, 2011
Next stop, Winter?
This past summer has been the "Road bike Summer" for us. We have ridden long, short, up, down, and everywhere i had never been in the area. This is good, and bad. The good part is getting outside, and riding. I don't think in the 8-9 years we have been here, that we have spent so much time outdoors. However, it's taking away from part of the reason we moved to the "old town" area.
We need to get back to casual rides, to the store, restaurant, or just because. I really think that most of the individuals that we do these group/long/organized rides with, don't understand. They always want to gear up, and ride 20-50 miles. Don't get me wrong, I like a long ride, but there's more to it than that.
On top of not riding just because, the titanic infusion of 10 tons of road biking has taken me away from Mountain biking, totally. I have not ridden 1x this year on a mountain (I guess it didn't help that i parted my Mountain bike). Due to the killer weather, i'm working on balancing my bikes out again (I think my better half is also). I want to nail it down to my 3 bikes, Road, City, Mountain. I'm not saying there is not room in there for a Beach Cruiser, or a Mini Velo, but i feel like i need the right tool for the job. If i have a bike that's comfortable, and good for short rides, then i'm more apt to do it. It goes down the line.
Also, there is no time to waste (I'm building a 29er now, in hopes of qualifying for the Leadville 100 next year. YAY punishment!).
Oct 3rd:

I have a feeling it will be warm on Halloween. Hello Fall!
We need to get back to casual rides, to the store, restaurant, or just because. I really think that most of the individuals that we do these group/long/organized rides with, don't understand. They always want to gear up, and ride 20-50 miles. Don't get me wrong, I like a long ride, but there's more to it than that.
On top of not riding just because, the titanic infusion of 10 tons of road biking has taken me away from Mountain biking, totally. I have not ridden 1x this year on a mountain (I guess it didn't help that i parted my Mountain bike). Due to the killer weather, i'm working on balancing my bikes out again (I think my better half is also). I want to nail it down to my 3 bikes, Road, City, Mountain. I'm not saying there is not room in there for a Beach Cruiser, or a Mini Velo, but i feel like i need the right tool for the job. If i have a bike that's comfortable, and good for short rides, then i'm more apt to do it. It goes down the line.
Also, there is no time to waste (I'm building a 29er now, in hopes of qualifying for the Leadville 100 next year. YAY punishment!).
Oct 3rd:
I have a feeling it will be warm on Halloween. Hello Fall!
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Since i don't blog much, i figured i would post up a Happy Birthday to G.E! She's the real blogger..
It's been a very interesting year for you, and for both of us. So much has changed.
Here's to your impending graduation, to being another year older, and getting better with age (we are like wine, no?).
VDM : )
It's been a very interesting year for you, and for both of us. So much has changed.
Here's to your impending graduation, to being another year older, and getting better with age (we are like wine, no?).
VDM : )

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
UPS has further exposed their ineptitude.
After an enormous effort by the receiver of my Surly LHT, and myself, UPS still shipped it back to me, it will arrive tomorrow, and will now be named "Lumpy".
The icing on this cake is that they charged me for shipping it back, and they shipped it to our old house. It's like kicking you in the crotch, an slapping you in the face!
I'm over it, the LHT is coming home, clearly it did not want to leave.
Now that this situation is all wrapped up and solved, i need to figure out how to make it 75 degrees.
After an enormous effort by the receiver of my Surly LHT, and myself, UPS still shipped it back to me, it will arrive tomorrow, and will now be named "Lumpy".
The icing on this cake is that they charged me for shipping it back, and they shipped it to our old house. It's like kicking you in the crotch, an slapping you in the face!
I'm over it, the LHT is coming home, clearly it did not want to leave.
Now that this situation is all wrapped up and solved, i need to figure out how to make it 75 degrees.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Nobody knows.. the trouble i have seen
Let's start by saying that UPS sucks, without question. With all of the mistakes i have made, they still suck.
10 days ago, sold my Surly Long Haul Trucker, to finance some other bike shenanigans we have going on. The gentleman paid promptly, and i shipped it on the 5th of July, it was well packed, as every bike i ship/receive is, and packed in the same way a bike shop or factory would do it. Fast forward, he get's the bike, and the Fenders are HAMMERED. Mind you, they are hammered Honjo fenders, but now they are truly hammered. Shit happens, so i'm not terribly worried.

I think, ahh, UPS bonked it, oh well. A couople of hours later, he emails me again with some more intense info, there's a "ding" in the top tube (Larger than the average)

Now I am livid, and i call UPS to file a claim, as the bike is insured for the purchase price, so no worries right?
Day 1 of pickup, the guy does not knock on the door, nothing, it's not picked up. Day 2, he picks it up, and the customer asks "why didn't you knock yesterday", and he says that he cannot confirm nor deny if someone did or did not knock. (what the fuck is that?).
They literally take 3 hours to get it back to the Inspection station, and inspect it, then reject my claim on the basis of "the packaging is not to UPS standards", so basically, no bicycle that is ever shipped anywhere, is to thier standards. Be very careful if you ship a bike!
We make a deal, i'm going to eat part of the $$$ that he paid me, and he is going to deal with the dent/wrecked fenders (this is 2 days ago).
Meanwhile, UPS policy states that damage claims must be shipped back to the sender! We did not know this, so the bike is on it's way back to me! He is currently trying to stop it, but we are in "limbo" right now, waiting to see if it get's stopped, who the hell knows, but fate might bring her back to me, dent's and all....
Fucking UPS.
10 days ago, sold my Surly Long Haul Trucker, to finance some other bike shenanigans we have going on. The gentleman paid promptly, and i shipped it on the 5th of July, it was well packed, as every bike i ship/receive is, and packed in the same way a bike shop or factory would do it. Fast forward, he get's the bike, and the Fenders are HAMMERED. Mind you, they are hammered Honjo fenders, but now they are truly hammered. Shit happens, so i'm not terribly worried.

I think, ahh, UPS bonked it, oh well. A couople of hours later, he emails me again with some more intense info, there's a "ding" in the top tube (Larger than the average)

Now I am livid, and i call UPS to file a claim, as the bike is insured for the purchase price, so no worries right?
Day 1 of pickup, the guy does not knock on the door, nothing, it's not picked up. Day 2, he picks it up, and the customer asks "why didn't you knock yesterday", and he says that he cannot confirm nor deny if someone did or did not knock. (what the fuck is that?).
They literally take 3 hours to get it back to the Inspection station, and inspect it, then reject my claim on the basis of "the packaging is not to UPS standards", so basically, no bicycle that is ever shipped anywhere, is to thier standards. Be very careful if you ship a bike!
We make a deal, i'm going to eat part of the $$$ that he paid me, and he is going to deal with the dent/wrecked fenders (this is 2 days ago).
Meanwhile, UPS policy states that damage claims must be shipped back to the sender! We did not know this, so the bike is on it's way back to me! He is currently trying to stop it, but we are in "limbo" right now, waiting to see if it get's stopped, who the hell knows, but fate might bring her back to me, dent's and all....
Fucking UPS.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 08, 2011
It's been a while

Well, i have not posted in a while, and why not today? Today is annual remembrance of my birth(I have grown a few inches since the photo).
We have been very busy (not doing pottery, but this weekend will end that). We went on a vacation to California, did more work on the House, really it was non-stop work until the end of May, then i just tanked for a while.
On deck, a Deck! In the next couple of weeks i'm going to salvage my free deck reminance from craigslist and build a small deck for us, then get our yard straight, period.
I've found that our new home/location has vaulted us, and mostly G.E. into a nearly daily biking frenzy (that's a good thing). Yesterday i rode the 17 mile one way run to my work, and it was not as bad as i would have thought, sans some rain and puddles.
Year 35 was a big change, Job, House. These are things people don't do on short order, but we are experts now!
I am grateful for many things, my lovely wife G.E., my retarded dogs, family (that still talks to me), and the friends i still have, plus a little luck!
Word. Next post will have earthenware.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Notice the period after "moved". We are now moved, it literally took an entire week, to close, move, and clean the old house.
I can honestly say, that i did not remember how difficult it is to uproot, and this was only approx 8 miles away!
I have to thank my lovely wife, G.E., without her, this would not be possible. She risked life/limb, crippling back pain, and possible insanity. You see, moving is a rough task for us, it's literally the only time we fight. It think this move was a 7 out of 10 overall, but the pain of the actual moving will linger for weeks (I'm sure G could tell you about that, after the marathon cleaning spree at the old house yesterday).
Now, we get rid of stuff we "thought" we needed. Get our new studio setup (when is that delivery?), finish a small basement, build a deck, move a fence, and so on....
Time to get on the bike. Speaking of, my fully suspended Diamondback Mission has a crack in the frame. It's ironic, because i was just dissing some guy a few weeks ago who told me he had one that cracked, then i went on-and-on about how that would never happen to me. Well, it did, and i didn't even know it! I should be more angry than i am, but, it's an opportunity to shake things up, and that's the flavor of April 2011!
I can honestly say, that i did not remember how difficult it is to uproot, and this was only approx 8 miles away!
I have to thank my lovely wife, G.E., without her, this would not be possible. She risked life/limb, crippling back pain, and possible insanity. You see, moving is a rough task for us, it's literally the only time we fight. It think this move was a 7 out of 10 overall, but the pain of the actual moving will linger for weeks (I'm sure G could tell you about that, after the marathon cleaning spree at the old house yesterday).
Now, we get rid of stuff we "thought" we needed. Get our new studio setup (when is that delivery?), finish a small basement, build a deck, move a fence, and so on....
Time to get on the bike. Speaking of, my fully suspended Diamondback Mission has a crack in the frame. It's ironic, because i was just dissing some guy a few weeks ago who told me he had one that cracked, then i went on-and-on about how that would never happen to me. Well, it did, and i didn't even know it! I should be more angry than i am, but, it's an opportunity to shake things up, and that's the flavor of April 2011!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Interesting 7-11 conversations and Moving
Stardate 4.10.11
Captains Log: I witnessed 2 Sheriffs deputy's in 7-11 discussing how when your shirt "rides up" under your bullet proof vest, that you need to head back to the office to fix it, and re-dress yourself. Brilliant. I have had this problem also, but i'm not sure (as a officer of the law), that i would leave my post for this reason.
It's Monday, and the planned close for the new house is Friday, move Saturday. The tension shall build all the way to Friday, burst Saturday, and probably all go smooth. The Garage sale was impressive this past weekend, and we purged a ton of stuff we did not need, and some our friend did not need either. It's amazing how quickly junk will sell when it's priced at $1.
Captains Log: I witnessed 2 Sheriffs deputy's in 7-11 discussing how when your shirt "rides up" under your bullet proof vest, that you need to head back to the office to fix it, and re-dress yourself. Brilliant. I have had this problem also, but i'm not sure (as a officer of the law), that i would leave my post for this reason.
It's Monday, and the planned close for the new house is Friday, move Saturday. The tension shall build all the way to Friday, burst Saturday, and probably all go smooth. The Garage sale was impressive this past weekend, and we purged a ton of stuff we did not need, and some our friend did not need either. It's amazing how quickly junk will sell when it's priced at $1.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Week 4
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Fastest year ever
2010. Over.
So many things happed, but 2010 seemed to pass so quickly! I have no need for traditional "resolutions", i like to look at 2011 as an improvement year, where i get better in all aspects.
The year will start with a new job, after 7.5 years, I'm moving on/moving up. It is simply "Time" for me to move on. I'm also very excited to get out of the banking industry.
I also realize it's time for me to change my ceramic direction. I'm going to move toward raku, and more of a "pit fire" style. We will see how that goes.
Gen will be moving forward with school, and i think the end of the last semester marked a possible turning point, someday she may even cut an ear off :).
Heres to a great new year!
So many things happed, but 2010 seemed to pass so quickly! I have no need for traditional "resolutions", i like to look at 2011 as an improvement year, where i get better in all aspects.
The year will start with a new job, after 7.5 years, I'm moving on/moving up. It is simply "Time" for me to move on. I'm also very excited to get out of the banking industry.
I also realize it's time for me to change my ceramic direction. I'm going to move toward raku, and more of a "pit fire" style. We will see how that goes.
Gen will be moving forward with school, and i think the end of the last semester marked a possible turning point, someday she may even cut an ear off :).
Heres to a great new year!
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