10 days ago, sold my Surly Long Haul Trucker, to finance some other bike shenanigans we have going on. The gentleman paid promptly, and i shipped it on the 5th of July, it was well packed, as every bike i ship/receive is, and packed in the same way a bike shop or factory would do it. Fast forward, he get's the bike, and the Fenders are HAMMERED. Mind you, they are hammered Honjo fenders, but now they are truly hammered. Shit happens, so i'm not terribly worried.

I think, ahh, UPS bonked it, oh well. A couople of hours later, he emails me again with some more intense info, there's a "ding" in the top tube (Larger than the average)

Now I am livid, and i call UPS to file a claim, as the bike is insured for the purchase price, so no worries right?
Day 1 of pickup, the guy does not knock on the door, nothing, it's not picked up. Day 2, he picks it up, and the customer asks "why didn't you knock yesterday", and he says that he cannot confirm nor deny if someone did or did not knock. (what the fuck is that?).
They literally take 3 hours to get it back to the Inspection station, and inspect it, then reject my claim on the basis of "the packaging is not to UPS standards", so basically, no bicycle that is ever shipped anywhere, is to thier standards. Be very careful if you ship a bike!
We make a deal, i'm going to eat part of the $$$ that he paid me, and he is going to deal with the dent/wrecked fenders (this is 2 days ago).
Meanwhile, UPS policy states that damage claims must be shipped back to the sender! We did not know this, so the bike is on it's way back to me! He is currently trying to stop it, but we are in "limbo" right now, waiting to see if it get's stopped, who the hell knows, but fate might bring her back to me, dent's and all....
Fucking UPS.
1 comment:
I think, unfortunately, this is a lesson to be learned... definitely pack stuff up better than you think it needs to be packed. It's sad and annoying that this happened, but it could've been far worse. Hopefully, they'll be able to stop the package and get it back to him... otherwise, you'll have another bike (again).
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