Friday, April 22, 2011


Notice the period after "moved". We are now moved, it literally took an entire week, to close, move, and clean the old house.

I can honestly say, that i did not remember how difficult it is to uproot, and this was only approx 8 miles away!

I have to thank my lovely wife, G.E., without her, this would not be possible. She risked life/limb, crippling back pain, and possible insanity. You see, moving is a rough task for us, it's literally the only time we fight. It think this move was a 7 out of 10 overall, but the pain of the actual moving will linger for weeks (I'm sure G could tell you about that, after the marathon cleaning spree at the old house yesterday).

Now, we get rid of stuff we "thought" we needed. Get our new studio setup (when is that delivery?), finish a small basement, build a deck, move a fence, and so on....

Time to get on the bike. Speaking of, my fully suspended Diamondback Mission has a crack in the frame. It's ironic, because i was just dissing some guy a few weeks ago who told me he had one that cracked, then i went on-and-on about how that would never happen to me. Well, it did, and i didn't even know it! I should be more angry than i am, but, it's an opportunity to shake things up, and that's the flavor of April 2011!


1 comment:

G.E. said...

Yay! New bike! This is always a fun thing. Timing perhaps isn't the best, however, I think it will be a good change for you... plus it's perfect timing to start mountain biking again.

The move was indeed painful, but I'm glad we're all out (sans the brief chores this evening you'll be doing). I'm excited about the possibilities in our new home. I think it's starting to feel like home now... we just need to find spots for the things we are keeping. I hope the studio gets here soon. Maybe next week?