Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It's that time of year again, and we already had our first snow. Which incidentally caused some catastrophic tree problems with our neighborhood.
This was just a sample, in what turned out to be an "all day" cleanup to the carnage. The trees hung on to thier leaves, and the snow did the rest. The landscape of our backyard jungle will change a bit next spring, but honestly, it was a bit dank, so the added sunshine will be welcome. It's like a natural "trimming". On the other side of things, I am foolishly going to try and compete/qualify for the "Leadville 100" race in 2012. It's a 100 mile mountain bike race. The killer is, i built a new bike (yet to be ridden), and she's a single speed! So i will be attempting a 100 mile race for the first time with 1 gear. I like to punish myself. Added to this is my recent lack of excersise, and my certain fat gain.

I have always said that i'm the short, fat version of Lance Armstrong. Maybe i will walk on my lunch break?

We also moved the kiln, and she's waiting to be used. I have 1 (yes o-n-e) pot that i have thrown in the last six months, so i need to make them start to multiply, like "pigeons"


1 comment:

G.E. said...

Are you mocking my pigeons?!

I certainly hope you're not trying to qualify for the 2010 Leadville because I think that might be difficult... how one reverses time, I'm not sure. :O)

You'll get to the pottery... you have no choice now because you have "requests." Ahh, requests. Always my personal favorite