Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Saddle

And being back in it.

It's been a while since i have worked, but these 2 pieces are on the launch pad. At least one of them will be a Christmas gift. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for no explosions!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Barns, cows, these are things a Jedi craves not.

8 hours, 3 ladders, 1 gallon of paint, and a sunburn later:

I realized, once again, that i'm not interested in the "Country". Everyone has a different opinion of what the country is, some call our home the sticks, but i believe that where my Dad lives is the real "country". Cows, flys, dirt, beer, pickup trucks. Nope, not for me. I'll do it now and again to make some scratch, and do my Dad a favor, but where we live now is the closest to the country i think i want to be. Cool barn though.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

7 years....

Well, yesterday was the year 7 mark here at my employer. I figured i would be gone 2 years ago! Nobody said anything, which is marginally sad. Meh. At least i got cookies at home : ).

Bike front: Sam Hillborne is complete (minus some tweaking), good looking bike. Now the question is, will it ride well? I can tell you this, be very careful about Honjo fenders + tire size, because it will kick your ass!


Sunday, August 08, 2010

Summer of the bike (again)

"So take me away, i don't mind
But you better promise me, i'll be back in time
Gotta Get back in time
Gotta Get back in time
Get me back in time."

It's 1991.
I purchased this bad boy off of craigslist for $100, it's nearly pristine, no use, no scratches. The woman i bought it from was prepping for a Triathlon, but the bike was too small for her. I have no idea where she got it, but the thing does not even have wear on the crank arms! The only things that aren't original are the Saddle, and the tires. Tires=awesome, saddle=suck. Swing away merril.

Part 2:

Gen has me building her a Rivindell Sam Hillborne bike. We chose to go old school on this one, and build it ourselves. Should be done by tuesday, it's the cadillac of bikes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


It's been a busy couple of weeks, bikes, floors, work.

#1, we started a massive project to replace the flooring, baseboards, and paint our living/kitchen area in the house (Bathrooms to be included soon). I did not know what pure hell that would be, doing the flooring right took the entire Memorial Day weekend, Saturday morning, all the way to Monday night. It's still not done, as we need to find some appliances that go better with the decor, and do some more painting/cleaning up. The bathrooms, that will be another story, i'm hoping to lay down some new linoleum, GE will paint, and i will possibly re-cock (caulk for lamen) the tub's.

#2, we have sold all of our bikes (basically). GE sold her 3 Electra's, and purchased a Pashley Princess Cadillac bicycle machine. I sold my road bike, my SS road bike, and dismantled the cruiser style bike, and bought a Globe Haul 1. So somehow, someway, we are down to 3 bikes total...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Best pic ever

-Of course, nobody will believe them!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sign of the times...

Apparently it's "ON", here at my place of employment. 1 week ago my monkey put in his 2 weeks notice, and today a senior person put in their notice.. who's next? Banking=bad. But they are getting jobs elsewhere, and i think it's a "sign of the times", the exit has begun, will management notice?



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Unnecessary Censorship

I did not realize that Jimmy Kimmel was doing this on his show, but i'm a fan now:

Monday, March 29, 2010

Why would anyone eat anything besides breakfast?

Ron Swanson:

On hard work: “I got my first job when I was 9. Worked at a sheet metal factory. In two weeks, I was running the floor. Child labor laws are ruining this country.”

Happy Monday.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Brief American History

I have not seen this in a few years, almost forgot...

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Saw this during the Olympics, one of the better Nike ads i have seen.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Yeah, i don't post much.

2009 was the year of the bicycle, and 2010 is shaping up to the the year of the bicycle also!

I have done 1 throwing session this year, so i need to step it up, and do some more this week, then possibly do a firing over the weekend. I'm just down because i have been at my job for nearly 7 years, and i have hated the last 2 at minimum, working for a bank sucks!

I have had what seems like 30 interviews since late 2009, and i guess it seems that way because a couple of them were 3+ interviews per job, with nothing coming of them. I had a super sweet one last Friday, they were asking the world, and offering up like 10% less than what i make now, demanding that this person come in at 7am, and be on call all the time. F-U! Meh.

Bike Roll:

LB: Diamondback Full susp mtn bike, Dawes single speed track bike, Bianchi milano parco. (Electra Townie 3i-Sold)

Gen(electra Gen): Electra Daisy, Electra Amsterdam, Electra Tocino 7D (newest one). Schwinn Suburban 1976-for sale.

So, lot's of bikes, but always room for more, the question is, how many can we actually ride? Then, there's bike Envy. We went to a BV in another town, and man, they have like over 1k bikes, so many to love...

Well, back to work, it's Tuesday/Monday, and i have a meeting.