Sunday, November 18, 2007

A durka durka

Sunday Sunday. I often don't look forward to sunday's, and today is no exception. I'm just getting over a cold, and the wife has thrown out her back (we sound old eh?), but we are not. Next week is a short one, and i'm glad. I think it's time for some winter bike riding, and ramp up to a little snowboarding. If my contact impared younger brother comes back from the navy for XMAS, i think i can convince him to roll with me. As far as biking goes, i'm dissapointed in myself, and i'm hoping to actually get on some trails next season. I have no excuses now, i have the bike i have always wanted (hardtail, but the brand i desired), so i've got to do it.

Tomorrow i'm headed to beautiful Limon Colorado, what a grand visit that will be! It kills one day in the week, ho well...


1 comment:

Ms. Prufrock said...

Oh, goodness... we'll get through this. I think we'll still have time to hit some trails before snow sets in... assuming I'm not crippled of course. :o) I just wish I could move without screaming in pain. :o(