Monday, Monday. So i have Veterans day off, and I'm sick. and I'm a vet. So what.
Yesterday my Hard drive took a dive. I was strolling about the house, and i touched a live USB drive that was sitting on top of my computer. Electrical discharge, and dead hard drive. It was that easy!
I have shocked electrical equipment here in Colorado many, many times. It seems that due to the dry air, there's a much higher chance of static discharge (unlike my old home in California). Now i seem to be at least 50% more likely to shock stuff (guess i'm electric...). So she took a poo. I spent the better part of yesterday reloading my hard drive back to the state it was in, and now here we are.
It's Veterans day, and i'm a veteran. To be totally honest with you, it means very little to me. I understand the meaning, the point, all of that stuff. I just feel like i don't need a day to remember veterans and junk. I can remember them any day.. I will take the day off however!
I'm feeling about 40% better than when i woke up today, so here's to 3 day weekends when you are sick!