Bla Bla Bla. I appear to be in a constant state of tired this morning.. I manage to not throw 1 thing over the weekend (but accomplish other things).
I'm at work at the moment, and i just finished doing research on some old email, it took 12 hours total, and could have been taken down to 1 hour if management would pay for some software, but we are in tough times, so why not use slave labor?
Watched a couple of movies over the weekend.
Max Payne = Suck
-This is the worst, or second worst movie i have ever seen, absolutely no point, thank god i only rented it!
Wanted = Not bad
-This movie was pretty good, it had the attitude and humor of Fight Club, some simply ridiculous stunts that could never happen, and an enormous disregard for human life, so i think i would like to own this movie. Human life is soooo overrated.
Maybe I'll throw something tonight..