Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Why do I take so long to post again? I'm not sure, I guess it's an internal question, but needless to say, our lives have been busy, and I have been busy reading other blogs! Yard work, biking, working, and life have kept me busy. I recently started going to a kickboxing glass with G, and have found myself "overly competitive", witch leads me to my current partially torn calf muscle! I'm okay, but I certainly won't be running for a bit (No complaints here), so the bike is going to see a lot of road time. Speaking of bikes, I think we decided that neither of us cares how many we have. G has been talking about a track/single speed style bike (maybe fixed...!), and I think it will be fun. A few years ago I commuted on a "bikes direct" style single speed roadie, and it was one of the best rides I had, I just loved the simplicity. Pottery, ahhh, It's been over 1 year since my last firing, so my plan is to roll one up in the next 2 weeks, I have plenty of material. I guess I have been waiting because I had planned to setup a small fire pit in the yard (maybe it will happen this weekend), and do a traditional pit firing. We will see. Pics next time.

1 comment:

G.E. said...

Poor baby! Hopefully, your calf will heal quickly. You seem to be doing a bit better (and fairly quickly), so hopefully the recovery will be quick.

Yay! Single speed bikes! Woo hoo!! :O)