Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Not dead, yet.

Well, i made it through the Pig Flu, but i'm still congested, and worn out... at the moment.

Today, i watched yet another individual get promoted. This is after my boss was fired on Friday. The most disturbing thing about his is that the CFO came down to "announce it".

Most of the time i think they are totally confused, both mentally and morally. I have sat here for 6+ years, and i have never had the feeling of being promoted, gathering people together to announce it, etc. I guess that's why i always justified a pay raise, because if I'm not promoted, and I'm not moving up, at least i can get the pay, right? Fuck, i don't know anymore, don't understand this place.



1 comment:

G.E. said...

No worries... you are not dead (as you said) and your time will come. Don't give up, okay? They can play their petty games, but things always come back around.