Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh Barf


Put together a drafting table for the Missus last night. $77 at Hobby lobby with 40% off, looks decent, works better.

I'm working on glazing and doing some designs on my 10 pieces that i need to fire, and the other 5 that are ready for the final glaze firing. Bottom line is that i need some propane. probably 2 tanks to finish all of this stuff.

I set back and went slower on my latest sgraffito, and it looks better, i think that's the ticket, take her slow, more precise work will look better.

Is it spring yet?



G.E. said...

The missus, huh? I need to go and use the lovely table right now... but how can I let go of Medium?

Sam said...

I don't really like the word missus, just the way it looks, not sure why... ya