Yeah, i don't post much.
2009 was the year of the bicycle, and 2010 is shaping up to the the year of the bicycle also!
I have done 1 throwing session this year, so i need to step it up, and do some more this week, then possibly do a firing over the weekend. I'm just down because i have been at my job for nearly 7 years, and i have hated the last 2 at minimum, working for a bank sucks!
I have had what seems like 30 interviews since late 2009, and i guess it seems that way because a couple of them were 3+ interviews per job, with nothing coming of them. I had a super sweet one last Friday, they were asking the world, and offering up like 10% less than what i make now, demanding that this person come in at 7am, and be on call all the time. F-U! Meh.
Bike Roll:
LB: Diamondback Full susp mtn bike, Dawes single speed track bike, Bianchi milano parco. (Electra Townie 3i-Sold)
Gen(electra Gen): Electra Daisy, Electra Amsterdam, Electra Tocino 7D (newest one). Schwinn Suburban 1976-for sale.
So, lot's of bikes, but always room for more, the question is, how many can we actually ride? Then, there's bike Envy. We went to a BV in another town, and man, they have like over 1k bikes, so many to love...
Well, back to work, it's Tuesday/Monday, and i have a meeting.